#4898 Super Dark Deception Genres/Tags: Arcade, Top view, 2D, Horror Company: Glowstick Entertainment Languages: RUS/ENG/MULTI11 Original Size: 945 MB Repack…
#4887 Gori: Cuddly Carnage v1.0.94 Genres/Tags: Action, Slasher, Third person view, 3D Companies: Angry Demon Studio, Wired Productions Languages: ENG/MULTI11…
#4813 Copycat – Game & OST Genres/Tags: Adventure, Third-person, 3D Companies: Spoonful of Wonder, Neverland Entertainment, Nuuvem Languages: RUS/ENG/MULTI11 Original…
#4810 Abnormal1999: The Compass and the Sand + Windows 7 Fix Genres/Tags: Logic, Puzzle, First-person, 3D Company: QZQ Studio Languages:…
#4798 The Plucky Squire v1.10.3 Genres/Tags: Arcade, Jump and run, Puzzle solving, 2D, 3D Companies: All Possible Futures, Devolver Digital…
#4779 Broken Lens v1.0.5.1 + Bonus Soundtrack Genres/Tags: Logic, Puzzle, Side, 2D Companies: Team Run, Flying Oak Games Languages: RUS/ENG/MULTI11…
#4999777 Abnormal1999: Sector 49 + Windows 7 Fix Genres/Tags: Logic, Puzzle, First-person, 3D Company: QZQ Studio Languages: RUS/ENG/MULTI11 Original Size:…
#4769 Selfloss Genres/Tags: Arcade, Platform adventure, Isometric, 3D Companies: Alexander Khoroshavin, Maximum Games Languages: RUS/ENG/MULTI11 Original Size: 1.8 GB Repack…
#4757 Thank Goodness You’re Here! v1.5.0 Genres/Tags: Adventure, Side, 2D Companies: Coal Supper, Panic Languages: RUS/ENG/MULTI11 Original Size: 851 MB…
#4731 Intravenous 2: Supporter Bundle v1.0/v1.0.13 + Bonus Soundtrack + Windows 7 Fix Genres/Tags: Action, Stealth, Top-down, 2D Companies: Explosive…
#4710 Sins of a Solar Empire II v28.2.0 Genres/Tags: Strategy, 4X, 3D, Real-time Companies: Ironclad Games, Stardock Languages: RUS/ENG/MULTI11 Requires…
#4700 The Bathhouse: Restored Edition v1.03 Genres/Tags: Adventure, First-person, 3D, Horror Company: Chilla’s Art Languages: ENG/MULTI11 Original Size: 25.3 GB…
#4681 Thalassa: Edge of the Abyss v1.0.0-012215 Genres/Tags: Adventure, First-person, 3D Companies: Sarepta Studio, Team17 Digital Languages: RUS/ENG/MULTI11 Original Size:…
#4673 Shadowed Descent Genres/Tags: Exploration, First-person, 3D, Horror Company: Breathy Languages: ENG/MULTI11 Original Size: 3.1 GB Repack Size: 1.8 GB…
#4658 Forest Ranger Simulator Genres/Tags: Lifestyle, First-person, 3D Companies: Hot Code Company, Virtual Magic, FreeMind Languages: RUS/ENG/MULTI11 Original Size: 9…
#4635 Eternal Escape: Castle of Shadows Genres/Tags: Logic, Puzzle, First-person, 3D Company: Robot Languages: RUS/ENG/MULTI11 Original Size: 2.1 GB Repack…
#3535 Updated A Little to the Left: Extra Tidy Bundle v3.0.14 + 2 DLCs Genres/Tags: Logic, Puzzle, Top-down, 2D Companies:…
#4614 Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn – Deluxe Edition v1.1.52-267364 + DLC Genres/Tags: RPG, Action RPG, Open world, Third-person, 3D…
#4607 Butanooo! Simulator Genres/Tags: Driving, Lifestyle, Third-person, 3D Company: Pigeon-G Languages: RUS/ENG/MULTI11 Requires Windows 10+ Original Size: 14.2 GB Repack…
#4148 Updated Ultros: Deluxe Edition Build 13934854 + Bonus Content Genres/Tags: Arcade, Jump and run, Side, 2D Companies: Hadoque, Kepler…
#4596 Islands of Insight: Deluxe Edition v1.2.6 + DLC Genres/Tags: Logic, Puzzle, First-person, Third-person, 3D Companies: Lunarch Studios, Behaviour Interactive…
#4144 Updated DRAGON QUEST BUILDERS v1.0.1 Genres/Tags: Virtual world, Open world, Third-person, 3D Companies: Armor Project, Bird Studio, Square Enix…
#4568 Windstorm: Start of a Great Friendship – Remastered v0.7.3 + Windows 7 Fix Genres/Tags: Lifestyle, Third-person, 3D, Horses Companies:…
#4565 SPY×ANYA: Operation Memories – Deluxe Edition v1.0.5 + 5 DLCs Genres/Tags: Lifestyle, 3D, Japanese Companies: GrooveBoxJapan, Bandai Namco Entertainment…